New Alphabet (Don't Delete the Kisses), 2019

New Alphabet (Don’t Delete the Kisses), 2019
Acrylic on canvas
20 x 16 in
Donated by the artist
Courtesy of Gallery Jones
Estimated value: $3,800

Sara Genn was born in White Rock and graduated with a BFA from Queen’s University. After 15 years in New York, Genn relocated to California in 2018. Her paintings strive to offer both a place of visual shelter and excitement, using objects that blur the signifiers of gender, craft, and monuments. Most recently, Genn exhibited her collection, New Alphabet, at Dimmitt Contemporary Art in Texas. Her work has also been featured by Nissan Infiniti, The Toronto Arts Council, The New York Times, House and Home, NYLON Japan, American Art Collector, and New York magazine. | @saragenn |