Michelle Nguyen, photo by BXPhoto
Toronto, ON >Vancouver, BC
michellenguyen.net | @dirtymuttdaddy
Representation: Bau-Xi Gallery, Vancouver
What’s your earliest memory of art-making?
When I was 16 or 17, I bought a partly taxidermied quail off of eBay and I bundled it up with a bunch of leaves in a large garbage bag made out of tulle.
When did you know you wanted to be an artist?
When I saw Shary Boyle’s “Flesh and Blood” exhibit at the Art Gallery of Ontario in the fall of 2010. It blew my mind and I’ve been infatuated with her work ever since.
Who/What/Where/When inspires you as an artist?
Cy Twombly, Maggie Nelson, Adrian Ghenie, Jennifer Rubell, Sara Khan, Jules de Balincourt, Naudline Cluvie Pierre, Mitski, David Altmejd, Philip Glass, and Cardi B, just to name a few.
What’s your creative process?
In between painting sessions, I like to play with the dogs in the studio, and binge-watch Bojack Horseman on Netflix.
Why do you think art is a crucial part of society?
Despite the state of chaos our world is in, it’s still important to seek the beauty within it.

Why do you donate to Arts Umbrella?
Because I was asked, and you guys seem nice.
What question do you wish we asked?
Where is the best fried chicken in Vancouver?
What’s the answer?
Duffin’s Donuts. Hands down.