Built by our Community

We are incredibly grateful to our many government, corporate, foundation, individual, and community supporters who so generously provide funding to allow Arts Umbrella to pursue its mission. With your support, Arts Umbrella reaches thousands of young people every year, inspiring creativity in the next generation — in Art & Design, Dance, Theatre, Music & Film, or wherever life takes them.

The list below reflects our supports as of July 2, 2024.

Finances should never prevent a child from participating in the arts. As a non-profit organization, Arts Umbrella is committed to making our programming accessible to as many children and youth in our communities as possible. With your support, we can provide families access to our tuition-based programs at a reduced rate and offer free donor-funded programs in the community.

From all of us at Arts Umbrella, thank you.


$100,000 and above

Jeff Mooney and Suzanne Bolton




Christie and David Garofalo
Carol and Richard G. Henriquez
Elmar and Christine Klukas
Darrell and David Mindell
John and Claire Nicola
The Poseley Family
David and Tassan Sung
Terrence P.R. and Lisa Turner
Timothy A. Young


Michele Alosinac
Biln Family
John and Nina Cassils
Tom Ferries and Lisa Pankratz
Geyer Family
Tim Horsman and Kerry Moller
Chethan Lakshman and Heather Dunn, Zai Mamdani
Paul Larocque
Risa and Bill Levin
Chris and Noemi Mackay
Jacqueline and Doug McLeod
Marily Mearns
Brenda Mendieta and John Singleton
The Pekarsky Family
Pamela and David Richardson
Anna Sainsbury
Ronald and Janet Stern
Lesley Stowe and Geoffrey Scott
Dermot Strong
Rod and Jane Talaifar
Warren and Twyla Wall
Bruce Munro Wright, O.B.C.
Garry Zlotnik


Jill Arias and Keith Neumeyer
Paul Balfour
Fiona Brodie and Peter Rose
Anna Katherine Castrejon Nickel
Neil Chrystal and Andrea Hamilton
Yvonne Gagnon
Jane Irwin and Ross Hill
Kathleen Keilty
Timothy and Aerin Knight
Priscilla Lam
William Lang, In Memory of Denny
Robert Lemon
Katie Lever
Eric and Jenny Martin
Pamela Moffat
Jason Nicola
Shawn Pozer and Deanne Schweitzer
Jessica Taylor
Catherine Thorpe


Adeola Adeyemi
Heather Altas
Chris Archbold
Monique Badun and Michael Watt
David and Nyle Beck
Christine Breakell-Lee
Etienne Bruson and Anny Morrissette
Michael Burdick
Monte Clark
Linda Collins and Floyd Hill
Evan Coltart
Cameron and Meagan Conn
Kimberly Cudney and Fraser Phillips
Martine Cunliffe and Cory Grant
Celia Dawson
Bruno DiSpirito
Marion Dixon
Kate Dunstan
Brian Edwards and Greg Olson
Angela Elster
John deC. Evans
Susan Evans
Lorne Folick and Shannon Taylor
Daniel and Laura Frankel
Annie Frind
Divyesh and Charu Gadhia

The Galicz Family
Nicole and Paul Geyer
Erin Gibault
John and Kelly Good
Lianne Gulka and Carl Hoyt
Bryan Hall
Amanda Harris
Nolan and Tanya Heuchert
Alexander Hird
Carter Hohmann and Michelle Lowe
Mike Kerr
Mars Koo
Chethan Lakshman and Heather Dunn
Gautam Lohia
Lilli and Jerry Luking
Barry and E. Anne Macdonald
Naudia and Mark Maché
Toby Mallinder and Deana Palleson
Isabelle and Johanie Marcoux
Cody McCausland
Dave McCutcheon
David and Mary Lynn McGrath
Saschie McLean-Magbauna
Jane McLennan
Gary Nakhuda
John Nelson
Coleen and Howard Nemtin
Adriana NicholCarl Nordmann
John Nursall
Brent and Jeff O’Connor
Leah and John O’Neill
Raechelle and Lorne Paperny
Natalia Pearson
Kate Phillips
Carolyn Pinkney
Jacqueline and Richard Prokopanko
Cliff Proudfoot and Karen Dawson
Michael Prout and Leonardo Lara
Dylan Reece
Ron Francis Regan
The Reitmayer Family
Jarvis Rouillard
Saeedeh and Sean Salem
Dinesh Samarasekera
Omer Sattar and Katie Lever
Eduardo and Gloria Schwartz
George Seslija
Sarah Sidhu
Warwick Smith
Adam Spear
Isabelle and Pascal Spothelfer
Barbara and Chris Stepien
Jessica Stimpson
Phil Tippetts-Aylmer
David and Jasvinder Uppal
Trudy Van Dop and Chester Kmiec
Nada Vuksic
Andy Wang
Anne Watson
Steven Wilson and Michael Simmonds
Tony Yue and Joyce Chung
Jonie Zimmerman


Eve Aymong
Elizabeth Carter
Suk Man Celia Chan
Madeline Cheng
Lianne Elias
Daniel Gallays
Pat Galloway
Patti Gies
Jason Goto
Nicky Hood
Kara Jansen
Julie Lee
Sandi Lee
Fei Li
Lin Li
Qiying Li
Rebecca Li
Tina Elizabeth Liimu
Cynthia Lim
Jennie-lyn Pamintuan
Ali Pejman
Xiaomu Peng
Brian Porter
Patricia Quan
Milad Sakiani
Natasha Sawh
Golnar Sepahi
Trudy Sheoras Norton
Susan Smith Alexander
Jennifer Stoddart
Kevin Stucken
Greg Toft
Marcus Turner
Barrie Underhill
Jeffrey Vicq
Sarah Vollett
Nolda Ware
Yi Yu
Di Cun Zhao


$100,000 and above





We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia



We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.


This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Enabling Accessibility Fund.

$20,000 – $49,999



$10,000 – $19,999

City of Surrey



$75,000 and above

The Jules Foundation





The Christopher Foundation


ARON_Foundation_logo (003)



Gadhia Family Foundation





Nicola Family Foundation

The Pamela and David Richardson Family Foundation


Taylor Taliesin Foundation
Wesik Family Foundation


West Coast Reduction Limited logo





Audain Foundation

TheParachuteFund Logo 2022 March
Pitblado Family Foundation
R. Howard Webster Foundation

Vancouver Sun Children’s Fund


Al Roadburg Foundation
Amir & Yasmin Virani Family Foundation
Andrew Mahon Foundation
CIBC Foundation
Deux Mille Foundation


Lion’s Mane Fund

McCarthy Tétrault Foundation 
The McLean Foundation
Michael and Inna O’Brian Family Foundation


Beech Foundation
The Freybe Family Foundation
The Greygates Foundation
Joseph Stanley Stauffer Trust
Lohn Foundation
Mathisen Family Private Foundation
Moon Gate Foundation
Pearley and Norine Brissenden Fund
Randall Foundation
Surrey Fire Fighters Charitable Society


$100,000 and above

Nicola Wealth


$75,000 – $99,999






Rogers Shaw




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MBS Canada Logo



Ballet BC logo


Cadillac Fairview



First Majestic logo


Hall Logo CMYK (002)




Lawson Lundell






A.T. Storrs Ltd.
Ashia Mode Clothing
BFL Canada Insurance Services
Bennett Jones LLP
Blaine Campbell Photographic Services
Chanel Canada
Coast Capital Savings

Ecclesiastical Insurance
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
The Kalaman Group
Killeen Communication Strategies
M&L Painting Ltd.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
St. John’s School


Gift in Kind

$50,000 and above

Vancouver Civic Theatres

$20,000 – $49,999

CBC Vancouver

$10,000 – $19,999

Tiffany & Co.

$5,000 – $19,999

Tom Arntzen

* This list reflects our supports as of August 31, 2023.  Every effort has been made to ensure this list is complete and accurate. If you notice an error or omission, please contact us at 604-681-5268, so that we can make the correction.